What a rollercoaster of a year!
Working at the FIU is not for the fainthearted, it often requires what one might call “a strong constitution”. But we try not to complain (at least not too often). The truth is we love what we do and enjoy being able to add value to
Barbados, by protecting its reputation as a jurisdiction with high regard for international norms such as the FATF’s 40 Recommendations. This is why, for example, we engage so deeply in awareness building amongst our stakeholders through our training and outreach initiatives.
In fact, the agility of criminals to quickly come up with new ways of concealing illicit funds in the global financial services system is known to far outstrip the ability of the good guys to sometimes comprehend the creative methods far less keep up with them. Understanding new ML/TF schemes and how financial products and services, legal persons and arrangements as well as designated non-financial business and professions may be used to hide “dirty” money, is therefore critical.